DocuNECT is a solution designed to connect business users with information locked in documents so they can be managed effectively. The name DocuNECT is derived from the following phrase that drives the product focus.
To achieve this, DocuNECT maps the document lifecycle to capture the document, discover the appropriate data, distribute the data/document to third party business applications, manage and retain the document to a policy based destruction/disposition.
Organizations have invested in document and data platforms to help executives, managers and employees make informed decisions to help keep the business operating. As the speed of business increases this data needs to be as accurate and accessible as possible. Data can often be inaccessible to these decision making platforms as they are locked inside electronic documents that are spread across the organization on network based file-shares, local hard drives, cloud-based solutions, email, secure FTP sites, legacy systems and other sources.
Managing the Document Lifecycle
Document management has been around for a long time and typically an organization has some form of document management in place. DocuNECT is designed to enhance and utilize existing document management products not necessarily replace them. DocuNECT can be used to manage all or part of a document lifecycle.
But..We Already Have a Document Management System
Document management is not a new concept and you may already have a system in place. DocuNECT is designed with this in mind and has two editions:
Using DocuNECT to Unlock Data
DocuNECT captures electronic documents from their source, extracts and organizes the necessary business data, and then distributes it to where the users need it. This can be third party document management systems, business applications, or DocuNECT's own document management solution. The process of capture, extraction (indexing) and distribution is defined by a DocuNECT Lifecycle Application. Different Document Lifecycle Applications can be setup to meet the different requirements.
Understanding the Document Lifecycle Stages
Building Lifecycle Applications
Mapping the flow of a document through the different lifecycles stages is called a DocuNECT Lifecycle Application and provides total flexibility for implementing different business use cases, such as:
1.Loan Servicing, Diligence and/or Verification
2.Invoice Capture and Accounts Payable Review and Approval
3.Human Resources On-Boarding
4.Medical Device Tracking
5.Banking and Credit Union Document Management and Capture
6.Investment and Fund Management Services
7.Capture and Manage Patient Files
8.Contract Document Management
9.And more...